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Nigeria - WikipediaOver the last million years, Lake Chad in the far north-east of Nigeria has dried up several times for a few thousand years and just as often growing to many times its current size. In recent decades its surface area has
The Kuleana Way: Surfing as Indigenous Hawaiian ResistanceThe particulars of new places grabbed me and held me, the sweep of new coasts, cold, lovely, dawns. The world was incomprehensibly large, and there was still so much to see. Yes, I got sick sometimes of being an expatria
Peru - WikipediaBy 1859, some 41,000 Peruvians had died in the constant civil wars that shook the country since 1829. Thanks to the money from the sale of guano, Peru began to modernize with different public works such as railways; the
Indonesia - WikipediaIn the 2024 Global Hunger Index (GHI), Indonesia ranked 77th out of 127 countries with enough data to calculate a score. Indonesia's GHI score was 16.9, which indicates a moderate level of hunger. 303
Gateway of India - WikipediaIn March 2019, the Maharashtra State Government proposed a four-step plan to develop the location for the convenience of tourists, following a direction issued by the State Governor in February 2019.
Sialkot - WikipediaAllama Muhammad Iqbal — Islamic philosopher, poet and thinker
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Our Travel Information - Foothill Wild Expeditions Ltd.Kenya was a British colony in the pre colonial times. Today, none other country in Africa can match the sheer range of scenery and Landscapes. It has a great variety of Wild animals and birds. This is the magic of Kenya
Torrance, California - WikipediaFor thousands of years, the area of Torrance was occupied by the Tongva Native Americans. The land that is now part of the City of Torrance and much of the modern South Bay was part of the extensive marshlands.
Simi Valley, California - WikipediaThe Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, where the former president was buried in 2004, is in Simi Valley. 11
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